Sunday, April 15, 2012

Market Bag

While I am busy with knitting the Lotus pattern lace scarf I thought I could tell you about my last christmas present I have made.
People around me know that christmas for me always includes sharing my talent, or gift by making things out of yarn.


 For the 2011 give away present I selected a Market Bag.

The Pattern for the bag is free
on the Lion Brand website,
it is called

Al Fresco Market Tote.

I think I did crochet 5 or 6 of them and used up many of my cotton scraps. What I liked about the entire experience was that I also had to go shop for the main color after the third bag was done. That turned out to be really good because I have found a store in Old Town San Diego that I did not know existed. The Shepherdess is basically a beads and knick knack store but has the most inventive buttons, and some yarns. I had no troubles finding what I was looking for.
Since the Chevron Pattern is made out of different colors and all the bags were made out of scrap yarn, none of the bags were the same. There were orange, violet and beige main bodies with a multitude of bright and different strength yarns.
Since there was still a few days until christmas when the bags were done and I had yarn left-over (there always is yarn left over) I made a bag for myself. It's in the car right under the passenger seat now and gets pulled out und used every time I need to stop at the store on the way home from work.

I think the Farmers Market season has begun and family and friends are ready for it with the Al Fresco Market Bag.

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